Learning resources for the national curriculum from the guardian -英国大使馆文化教育处为提供的留学信息
The popularization of quot; the national curriculum in england for physical education quot; and its implication 英格兰国家体育课程的推广及其启示
The national curriculum does not apply in scotland , where each school decides what subjects it will teach 国家课程机构不适用于苏格兰,在那儿由学校决定它自己教授什么科目。
Major changes were also made to british national physical education curriculum as a part of the national curriculum 英国国家体育课程作为国家课程的一部分,也经过了较大的改动。
The view of teaching and learning from the social constructivist perspectives and its enlightenment to the national curriculum reform 社会建构主义教学观及其对我国课程改革的启示
Campaign to encourage internet use within the national curriculum and to provide an information network to support the education sector -提供学校的资讯,包括学校简介,学科课程设置,入学申请指南等
The national curriculum for 5 - 16 - year - olds was introduced to state schools in autumn 1989 . of the ten foundation subjects it recommends , english , maths and science are core subjects 国家设置的针对5至16岁学生的教学大纲于1989年秋在公立学校中实行,其推荐的10门基础课中,英语、数学和科学是主课。
The national curriculum is so boring that children are becoming alienated and disruptive at school , michael moore , president of the association of teachers and lecturers , said yesterday 英国教师及讲师协会主席迈克尔穆尔4月16日指出,英国的课程设置太过枯燥,以至于学生对学校产生了疏离厌恶的情绪。
The national curriculum is so boring that children are becoming alienated and disruptive at school , michael moore , president of the association of teachers and lecturers , said yesterday 英国教师及讲师协会主席迈克尔?穆尔4月16日指出,英国的课程设置太过枯燥,以至于学生对学校产生了疏离厌恶的情绪。
Theories , literature , as well as the rationale stated in the national curriculum guide suggests that the three curricular components should be further organized to make it more life - based 不论从课程总纲、生活课程基本理念或有关文献看,艺术与人文、社会、自然与生活科技,皆宜打破原学习领域界限,组成统整、有意义而能够培养在生活中学习之能力的课程。